Monday, December 10, 2012


While painting up the PSC Shermans I also worked on the conversions to the now demobbed Sherman Ic models. As suggested earlier, they were converted into Grizzly Kangaroos.

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The conversion job was a simple of matter of using some card and gluing it between the tracks to close off the hull and make the open ring into a troop compartment. The sides of the compartment aren't perfect (you can see the tops of the tracks in places if you stare in), but I gave everything a light grey paint job and then painted up some standing Canadian infantry from my spares box (mostly extra Old Glory Bren gunners). With the squaddies in there you can't really tell.

What I'd like to know is how you were supposed to fit an entire rifle section into one of those?
kangaroos and wasps 001

But I've split a bag of Old Glory 17 pdr AT guns  with Brian and am waiting the arrival of some Peter Pig crew before I paint them. The Kangaroos will be used to tow these.

Another support asset I've just added is a section of Battlefront Wasp IIc flamethrower carriers. These are nice little resin casts with two crew. Since reading Zuehlke's books on the campaign in Northwest Europe (Breakout from Juno, Terrible Victory and On To Victory) I've been wanting some. By July 1944 one or two sections in the carrier platoon were equipped with them and it seems that every company attack was supported by these useful little vehicles. The mere appearance of them would often make the Germans surrender.
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The cardboard flame template from Warhammer is a bit naff, but I'm not sure how to make a 12" jet of flame and smoke just yet.