Monday, May 30, 2022

Rabbitman's Grand Day Out

Chris and Barnaby organized a second Lardy Day in Hamilton this past weekend. 10 assorted Too Fat Lardies games and 25 or so gamers at the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Veterans Association Hall in deepest, darkest, downtown Hamilton. There were prizes donated by those stalwart chaps at The Canadian Wargamer Podcast, Dan the Dice Guy, Cardboard Dungeon Games, Crucible Crush and some Too Fat Lardies dice from Big Rich himself, for a raffle which raised $400 for the Hamilton Children's Hospital.

There was a fine cross section of Lard.

What a Tanker in Malaya

15mm ACW Sharp Practice

Infamy, Infamy!

Big Chain of Command

In the morning I played a 28mm Sharp Practice game. This had the British and their First Nations allies raiding the American camp at Frenchtown during the War of 1812. I commanded the British regulars, while my partner ran the Native allies and the flank company skirmishers. Our cunning plan was to fix the Americans with the Regulars while the Natives worked their way around the flank.

British infantry arrive

Americans begin to deploy

American light troops trying to cause trouble on our flank

First Nations attack the disrupted Americans!

The Natives charge in on the flank and then the Regulars gave a volley and went in with the bayonet effectively collapsing the American flank.

After lunch and a visit to a fantastic old school hobby shop; Hamilton Hobby Center on Kenilworth, I played in a 6mm game of General d'Armee. This was the Mad Padre's first time as a Game Master in a convention setting. It was a good learning game for all of us interested in the system. Lee of Crucible Crush, helped us work through some of the more convoluted parts.

The game had the Austrians defending a road junction vital to Mack's position at Ulm. Descending upon it to entrap the infamous Mack were Murat's cavalry and Oudinot's Grenadier division! Historically our Austrian counterpart formed square and got pounded. But my partner and I were more aggressive, pushing forward to hold some key villages and block the French onslaught. Austrian hussars punching above their weight helped a lot too.

Mike's attractive little Built Up Area tiles

Cuirassiers try charging the French artillery 

Austrian hussars holding off 4x their numbers 

More cavalry action on the other flank

My attack on the town develops 

I drive out the defense 

More French grenadiers 

My hussars try rolling up the French but I roll badly! Curse the damned luck!

Firefight develops in the center 

Refusing our vulnerable right flank 

Austrians have a firm hold on the town at game end

It was nice to win both games, but mostly it was nice to get out and play! This culminated an exhausting week of vacation during which we were visited by the grandchildren.

Picking flowers for Grandma

Rules? We don't need rules! Grandson surprises me with an obviously cunning stratagem.

I need to get some plastic figures for the grandson to smash around next visit obviously.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

IR Nr 10 (1st Silesian Infantry)

Another battalion of Perry plastic Prussians marches off the painting table. This and the next battalion will have the yellow cuffs and collars of Silesian infantry regiments.

I used the flag from the painting guide insert that comes with the box. Both battalions of IR Nr 10 used the same flag, and I've got two boxes, so I may do the second unit the same. Or a blue flag for IR Nr 11 (2nd Silesian) from

Normally I photocopy the painting guide, but I just cut this one out and found the heavy paper harder to work with than the usual printer paper. It is thicker and doesn't take folds as easily and I definitely had to paint out the white edge once the glue dried.

I didn't bother with any Big Men since I have several Big Men with yellow facings from painting my Silesian Landwehr way back at the start of the project.

The observant among you will notice that I'm using a sexy new back drop for the pictures. I got it and two other designs for free from Jon Hodgson. Printed them out and glued them onto some foam core. They're only 8 1/2" x 11", so a bit tight to fit a full unit in front of, it, but what do you want for free?