Thursday, February 23, 2012

15mm Sudan Campaign

Here's the latest off the painting bench; lot number 2 in a fairly large and ambitious 15mm Sudan Campaign project I'm working on for a client. I showed you batch 1 with some British line here. This lot has a unit of 24 Camel Corps troopers plus a unit of 24 Beja tribesmen ("Fuzzy Wuzzies") and a unit of 24 Ansar.

The Camel Corps are Peter Pig figures. I gave them a coat of the Army Painter Quick Shade to bring out the details.

Camel Corps front

Camel Corps back

Command front

Command back
The Beja are Essex figures.

Some of the poses required gluing swords and spears into hands, which considering the flatness of the pose, I thought a trifle unnecessary. Their linen kilts got a coat of Army Painter. For the flesh I used Games Workshop's 'dark flesh' and then a coat of brown ink.

The Ansar are Old Glory.

GW 'dark flesh' and for their robes, dry brushing 'raw linen' over my standard 'burnt umber' base coat.

Lot 3 will have the Naval Brigade and then rifle armed Beja and Ansar.