Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Some Progress!

The observant among you will notice that I've now got the logo to my new eCommerce venture up in the corner. It includes a hyperlink to take you to the store Martin and I are busily setting up.

After casting about to get some technical help and even finally, going to local computer service providers who (presumably) do this sort of thing for a living (at least they say they offer the service on their websites) and not getting any response to my request for quotes, a friend put me in touch with her son who has just launched an on line business as well. He did computer programming for a few years, so I thought "Great!"

He actually recommended that I look at Shopify.ca. So that's the route we're going for now. Lower initial costs and the interface is much like a blog so uploading products or changing prices is pretty straight forward. The monthly overhead may actually be higher but at least we won't have all of our working capital tied up in paying for a store that never gets built, so we can try and keep on top of the new releases that everyone keeps coming out with!

Once we get more of our SKUs listed we'll open the doors for business and have some spiffy deals to try and clear some space in the dining room.

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