Sunday, March 31, 2013

Medieval artillery

I had these done before Hotlead, just haven't had time to blog about them.

So after last month's musing and list writing I put brush to figure and finished off these 12 Old Glory crew for my medieval field guns, and added a third Old Glory gun to the order of battle!

I decided to keep the liveries fairly generic. One crew in blue, one in red and one in yellow. Gunners, being highly paid specialists, could afford the bright colours. I had an ammunition box (from a RAFM ACW artillery limber) and a sponge in my bits box to dress one of the bases.

The gun in the middle is from Old Glory, the other two with the mantlets, I cannot remember who makes those now. I got them many years ago for Christmas when I still worked in the bookstore.

You'll also notice I'm also experimenting with some Army Painter meadow flower tufts to dress things up a bit. I rather like them. They add some nice variety to the ground work.

The bases are bit bigger to give the crew some elbow room; 50mm x 75mm. The guns aren't glued down in case they need to be abandoned.

Of course, now my armies will be unevenly matched in artillery, so to balance things out I will just have to get one of the Perry Wars of the Roses guns.

Next up are 5 stands each of some Old Glory levy bills and levy bows.

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