Saturday, December 13, 2014


I realized last night while washing the dishes that Mrs. Rabbitman hadn't been playing any of her many and varied (we discovered No Doubt with this song) Christmas CDs. We're two weeks into December and we haven't heard Madonna's Santa Baby, or Merry Christmas From the Family, let alone Bing Crosby or Tony Bennett.

"Christmas music stresses out our daughter."

Six years of toiling in the Buy Food deli have taken their toll. The holidays for retail workers are really awful; longer hours, stressed out grouchy customers and having to work while everyone else is enjoying the holidays. Even having been out of retail for a year, she still finds Christmas music puts her on edge. Especially Jingle Bells.... but I find most versions of Jingle Bells annoying anyway.

"I have deli PTSD dad. Even after a year I can still smell the squelchy ham."

I managed to escape without any holiday Post Retail Stress Disorder (PRSD) fortunately. I'm looking forward to a good 10 plus days off and I'm hoping for some of Mrs. Rabbitman's pies, more hobby time (painting and some 4Ground buildings) and getting some games in with the Mad Padre.

So this year, plan for the lines, be a little more patient and spread the Christmas (or whatever is appropriate to your beliefs) love by not being a dick to those who have to work while we're not.


  1. I totally agree. If you're stressed out because you haven't yet got the (insert item here), you're probably missing the point of Christmas! There's no excuse for taking out your misguided acquisitiveness out on someone else.

    I agree that Rudolph should have fallen to a hunter's rifle long ago but, despite no longer being remotely religious, there is something about listening to the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King's College (3pm UK time on the BBC) that turns xmas into Christmas for me. So I'd encourage your daughter, or anyone for that matter, to sit down with me and many thousand of others, and tune in to the true spirit of Christmas.

  2. Oh yes how well I remember working in retail at Christmas, utterly exhausting. So much so, that in one particular job each worker came down with flus/colds due to being so drained. Certainly takes the fun out of Christmas.
    Oh for a quiet Christmas, without rushing here and there like a loon.
    All the best for the season :-)

  3. I worked in a supermarket as a university student, and like others who work retail, Christmas was a chore. Living in Japan, Christmas is more for couples, or families with little kids. I enjoy Christmas here, because there is no hype. It's what Christmas was like when I was a kid, before reality sank in.
    I guess that's why I like internet shopping so well.
    I hope the missus holds up well.
