Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rabbitman on the Wild Frontier

My eldest bunny, who makes up for her diminutive stature by being large in spirit, has found a career for herself in the Alberta oil patch as a geotechnical engineer. She had found herself an 8 month internship during university and got herself out here, found a great roommate and made a pile of cash all on her own. The company had her back for another internship and then hired her after graduation.

She really likes soil mechanics apparently,  and most of the mining jobs are in Ft. McMurray, 4 hours by car north of Cold Lake surrounded by pines, bears and elk. So here she is with a condo, a car and the young man she met while at school in New Brunswick.

So here I am in a frontier town watching my daughter and her mother prepare for the ceremony, which might be the first wedding in St. Paul's parish. Most folks here go home to get married and home for most of the residents is anywhere but Ft. Mac. It's dirty and there are a lot of pickup trucks on the streets. Except for places to eat and drink there isn't much else to do. Most people drive to Edmonton for serious shopping. But after looking at the logistics of planning a wedding at home we said we'd come to her.

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