Monday, June 29, 2015

Modern Canadians Done

A rainy cold weekend was perfect for staying inside and finishing up my platoon of Canadian infantry.

The tablet I'm using has some odd color when I'm doing posed shots, with a lot of yellow. This may have something to do with the blue backdrop I've been using. I've tried to fix it in editing.

We'll start with some attachments. I added a pack from the S and S stowage to this female soldier to turn her into a combat medic. Apparently they didn't wear the traditional Red Cross arm band in Afghanistan. Shame. It would add a splash of colour.

Female combat medic
The signaller is wearing a ball cap instead of a proper helmet, but he'll do for now.
This figure with no rifle can be a dismounted crewman or truck driver.
Platoon WO and Commander
Now for the troops. Three more fire teams giving me a platoon strength of 20 men in 5 fire teams.

I think I finally got it right with the third fire team. The burnt umber base coat was thin and light and I remembered to go from khaki to sand instead of the other way!
3rd Canadian fire team
Here's a shot showing a figure from each attempt. Earliest on the left, latest on the right.

The last two fire teams are American Rangers. They'll get turned back into Rangers when Elheim finishes the Canadian line.
Rangers painted as Canadians
Female soldier using her combat scarf as a hijab
Full Platoon posing with the LAV

I think this is a record. Or 20mm modern Canadians are that easy to paint! Still more Taliban and Afghan security forces to do though.

And terrain.


  1. They look terrific James. I particularly like the female soldier in hijab. She would be ideal for a CIMIC team which leads to interesting scenarios about security perimeters and extractions if the meeting with the locals goes pear shaped. Looking forward to seeing them all on the table.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking about for her. Great minds think alike!

  2. Very nice, are you planning on doing some up in

    1. No I'm not. Would be interesting to paint though.
