Saturday, July 18, 2015


I have casualty figures for every period except  I think, WW2. For my SYW and ancient games I have been chastised for not having enough and using casualty caps instead. So I have also completed some casualty figures for both the Coalition and Taliban. I know these cause issues for some, but the recovery of casualties was an important objective for Coalition troops. It also seems hypocritical to suddenly become sensitive now.

These are all from Elheim Figures as usual. For the Canadians I had to settle for US Marine figures. You can see the prominent groin armour that makes using many American figures problematic.

Since they come with decent stands cast on I didn't need to do any extra basing.

For the Afghan casualties I have these civilians:
A runny daub of brick red for blood was used since the one sculpt has obvious holes in his shalwar kameez, but I didn't bother on the rest since I didn't want to get too ghoulish.

1 comment:

  1. I use casualty figures for all of my games. It helps keep track of the flow of the action on the table. Which is useful later when I realize I only took a couple of pictures throughout the game.
