Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pot Field WIP

Spent a couple of nights trying out my idea for pot fields. After a bit of time trying various arrangements on my gridded cutting mat I decided on 50x50mm squares.

Then it was a simple matter of cutting out the squares, gluing on a thin layer of sand and then using a hot glue gun to stick down the pot plants. After the glue set I painted over it with some khaki paint.

Tonight I banged out 10 squares from uncut card stock and greenery to taking the pictures in just under an hour and twenty minutes.

A small field to start
Compare Christmas decoration on left and plastic boughs on the right
Patrolling through the fields
Bringing in a LAV


  1. I like the way you've designed the field so that figures fit inside it rather than just balancing on top. Now you are ready for reefer madness.

    1. Thanks for noticing! For total realism the plants should be closer together, but then troops couldn't fit.
