Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pink and Sparkly!

More progress on buildings.

I was thinking about how to texture the walls and remembered these:

Mikey picked up about a dozen jars many years ago for about 50 cents each and gave me a couple. After all this time the paint is still good so I slathered on the pink paint with abandon. It even has glitter in it. But not to worry, after a coating of brown latex you won't be able to tell.

Four buildings assembled and textured. The roof sections are reinforced with popsicle sticks to prevent warping.

I've also done over 100 inches of walls in varying heights including some breached sections. I used more popsicle sticks as bases and by overhanging the ends I could butt sections together to make corners instead of worrying about dedicated corner pieces.

I've used most of the pot of paint. But it goes on thick so I've been able to cover the edges of the foam core without the step of applying caulk or putty first.


  1. Very nice work James. I'm impressed how signal-minded you are on this project. Bravo. It will be worth all the hard work when it's done, I'm sure.

  2. Thanks. I'm kinda impressed with my single minded focus too. It's pretty odd.

  3. Excellent stuff, James.
    Those pasts look very helpful. I'm looking for something similar in German hobby stores...

  4. To get a textured effect, I usually use a textured acrylic paint medium -- most art supply stores have a variety of different brands and levels of coarseness. It dries quickly and blends well with miniatures paints -- but the tubs are NOT 50 cents each... they often sell for about $10. So you are on to a good thing, James.

  5. Good idea with the overhang for the corners, I may have to give that a try.
