Sunday, January 24, 2016

Get Me to the Church on Time

Well one side effect of my solo Lion Rampant game earlier in the month was to remind me of a resin church I'd bought for ten bucks back in the fall of 2014.

So I decided that it was high time for my mediaeval village to have a church, like any self-respecting mediaeval village should.

Painting was simple. Light grey with a darker dry brush on the stone walls. The roof slates were black with a dark grey dry brush to highlight. The doors were dark brown, light brown highlight then a brown ink wash. Hinges, door pulls and nails picked out in brass. Done.

Lots of chipping and air bubbles and some casting flaws, but I'll live with it for the price.

The Bishop holds a marriage preparation class.


  1. That looks cool & a bargain at ten bucks.

  2. Great looking church. My regular opponent has one just like it and we use it in games from the Middle Ages right up to vbcw. Most versatile it is.

  3. It looks terrific, James. You should invite me to preach there sometime. Or pillage. Whatever.

    1. Isn't that you wearing the big hat? 😄
