Sunday, February 25, 2018

Soviet Armoured Steamroller of DOOM!

Met a chap on Facebook last week. He wanted to swap for some terrain. So in exchange for 3 resin buildings I wasn't using much I got this:
Green are Zvezda, grey are Plastic Soldier Company.
So 2x BT7s and a T26 for early war (yay! Finally!)
4x 45mm AT guns.
An always useful Gaz truck.
17x T34s. 8 of which can have either the late war 85mm gun turret or the 76mm gun turret.
They'll be easy to paint.


  1. Nice collection for a few buildings. You'll enjoy them, no doubt.

  2. Hi James,
    I found your blog while doing some google searching into CIC officers. I'm out in western Canada and considering joining; I was never in the cadets but I do have previous military experience from long ago and wanted to get involved. Hope you don't mind me asking you this, but how the heck do you get more involved when you don't know anyone? I was thinking about just emailing some of the local cadet CO's but that seems a bit forward and random. It doesn't seem like there's any other way to get involved...

    1. Approaching the local COs is the best way to go. Introduce yourself, set up an interview.
      Be prepared to be a Civilian Volunteer for a bit while the recruiting process happens. As a CV you get a chance to scope them out and they get to see you in action too.
      Most units I know are shorthanded.

    2. Thanks! Really appreciate your feedback.
