Monday, March 4, 2019

Gamer ADHD Postscript

While compiling my list I also totally forgot about my 30s gangster project, which is stalled waiting for more buildings.
And I really do need a simple silly game for when I've got a big gang of friends over and something thinkier like Chain of Command isn't going to work.
While I've been cycling around kicking tires, distracted by other projects, I failed to notice that Crescent Root's VERY nice 28mm factory buildings, which included a lovely assembled and painted warehouse for a reasonable price had gone out of production.
So I will probably have to buy unpainted Sarissa buildings and assemble them myself.

So discipline can cost one sometimes!

In the meantime, in this past week I've posted over 40 events to the website! Friday evening and Saturday will have a full slate of games.


  1. Just a thought on a simple game, have you looked at 7TV from Crooked Dice? If nothing else they are a free download, we have had some fun with them at my place in Chatham. Next game will involve the Red Skull and possibly Sherlock Holmes.

    1. No I haven't.
      But rules aren't the issue for the gangsters. It's always been the terrain.
