Sunday, May 3, 2020

More Prussians

Scott is, as I believe I've mentioned before, a megalomaniac.  He never does anything by halves.  He's decided to rebuild his 15mm SYW Austrians. He'd had an Austrian army years back, which had fought many bloody battles against my Prussians, but had to sell it leaving my Prussian army opponentless. But now he's back and building a bigger army than before, God help me.

At Christmas he got me a nice brigade of Prussians to help even the odds. Two battalions of musketeers and one of grenadiers. Eureka Miniatures from Australia.  Lovely sculpts with excellent proportions and poses.

Unlike my Old Glory infantry, these fellows are stripped down to just carrying their cartridge boxes. This made them much easier to paint. I also found two regiments with almost identical uniforms whose grenadiers were converged into the same battalion, greatly simplifying my painting.

IR nr.1

IR nr.23

Grenadier Bn 1/23

The whole brigade 

Some comparison shots with my 25 year old Old Glory figures. Old Glory on the left, Eureka on the right.

I much prefer the upright marching stance of the Eureka Miniatures. There are some variations but not as exaggerated as in the Old Glory figures, who seem to be hunched over.

I was worried while painting that my eyes and hand just weren't up to doing justice to intricate 18th century uniforms anymore. But looking at my efforts of 25 years ago, I think I've done alright.

So now I've got the problem of how to fit three more battalions into the Prussian tray. 

1 comment:

  1. A most excellent problem to have.

    I've looked at some minis that I painted many years ago. My style has changed radically, but I have no real compulsion to repaint them. It takes me ages to paint the unpainted ones, and I don't want to think about how long it would take to add in repainting. I'll live with the difference.
