Saturday, February 27, 2021

Technical Upgrades

Mrs. Rabbitman, loving helpmate that she is, insisted upon spending a bunch of money to do some technical upgrades in the Basement o'Rabbits in order for me to play remotely with my chums. A bodged vaccine roll out means we probably won't be gathering until September. I think that despite creeping misanthropy and enjoying this Covid hermitage, not being able to roll dice with my friends is taking a toll.

A second computer will probably be more useful in the long term than impulse buying more figures or terrain. This will also reduce competition for the first desk top, which Mrs. Rabbitman likes to watch her mystery shows on when she retires in the evening. Clever woman.

So computer, Webcam and Discord were purchased and set up on a corner of the second table. 

I argued with the technology for about a week trying to set up two Discord accounts so I could have both phone and Webcam logged in to no avail. I did manage one brief moment of ear piercing microphone feedback to the dismay of the household. So just the Webcam. 

Fortunately in a test game of What A Tanker with the Mad Padre it was demonstrated that the microphone on the Webcam is pretty good and he was able to hear me even as I moved around or typed into the Dicebot I have on my server. 

I'm currently reading a book on the Canadian Corps' final months in Italy, and with the new battalion level rules O Group coming out on Monday, I set up an Italian table for some anticipated play throughs.

Mike and I spent a couple of hours chasing each other around and he really had me on the ropes right up until the last turn. He took me on with a Panzer IIIN, so he gets bragging rights for that I think.

I thought ahead and left the brighter end of my table free for painting. First batch of Prussians are done. Some Russians up next!


  1. Recently, while humming and hawing about what new project to start, one my offspring recommended upgrading my hobby infrastructure, rather than figures or terrain etc... good, solid, practical idea and I see you've done the same

  2. Good to know setting up is not always smooth. Luck with you electrons!
