In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

In which I blog about my miniature wargaming and whatever else takes my interest!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Rescued From Freezer Burn

I recently described my hobby organization as a kitchen. Projects that are active are on the stove top. There is the project on the front burner; I'm all excited about it and busy assembling and painting and planning games. Then there's the projects on the back burners. I've still got them close to hand. They're in various states of production. Projects will cycle to the back burner when I hit a creative wall or wait on a required component and something on the back burner will get pulled forward to be worked on just to keep things moving along. Quar are obviously on the front burner right now and Austrians are on the back burner.

Then there's the stuff on the prep table. Waiting to be assembled or primed or moved into the painting queue. Dwarves and Napoleonic Prussians and Russians for example.

Then there's the pantry and fridge. Those projects I'll get back to, someday when something reignites my enthusiasm. But I've probably painted all I need for it, or am looking for better rules to re-excite me. Samurai are a fine example of this. I've also got a platoon of 15mmFallscirmjaeger half painted too.

Then there's stuff at the bottom of the freezer. I've pretty much abandoned it. Lost enthusiasm for the period or project. Once I notice something is getting freezer burnt I'll put it out on the Bring & Buy or give to friends.

A lot of my colonial stash is sitting at the bottom of my wargaming freezer.

But I remembered this South African War 1 pounder pom-pom gun from my abandoned Boer War pile and pulled it out. I gave it some First World War French inspired modernist camouflage to go into my Royalist order of battle. I have some ideas for other artillery as well for my idea to do Brecort Manor, so I'm going to need a whole box of Royalists just to convert into gunners at this rate!

This seems like a piece to accompany cavalry or tractor units. 

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