Saturday, February 6, 2010

Finally a Positive Sign!

Well after almost 15 months of unemployment I have some good news.
Got called yesterday and interviewed over the 'phone for a company I applied to last month. The job I applied for was filled but they called me for something else. The company is a big commercial printers and they want a proof reader.
Too cool. Right up my alley.
It'd be a nice conflation of my previous automotive QA experience and my part-time editorial work with HMG Magazine.
So I go in Monday afternoon for testing; math, spelling and some computer stuff. My only worry is they're probably on Windows 98 and my recent retraining was all on Vista and Office 07! But I did OK at my clerical testing on the same software at the Temp Agency of Mordor so I should be OK.
I'm confident.
OK, OK it's too early to count chickens and all but still it's a well needed dose of good vibes after the last two weeks of depression and blindly firing resumes into the darkness without any feedback.
Some money coming in would be nice. A job with prospects and a future would be nicer. Benefits would be sweet too. Everyone is needing new glasses and some teeth cleaning!
So can we at least put the champanade on ice to chill?

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck James (and nice images of figures too!).

    CJR (in Peterborough ON - maybe not Hotlead this year, but hopefully next)
