Monday, April 5, 2010

Some Horse and Musket

I don't normally get to do much horse and musket era painting. Shame really. I started war gaming with HO scale Airfix plastic Napoleonics and loved it. And I have a largish Seven Year's War (SYW) 15mm Prussian army which is languishing in it's box. They get out to play about once a year and that inspires a brief period of sorting out some new figures to paint which then get set aside as other projects take precedence.

But a client has had me paint some figures for his SYW French army and I've rather enjoyed it. Here are some Grenadiers from a converged grenadier battalion. 24 figures. Each 4 figure company had different facings, waist coat and pant colours to keep track of.

Also a couple of small 6 or 7 figure Cuirassier regiments; namely Regiments Damas and Conde.

The client is going to base them himself on precut Litko bases and use his own flock to keep everything looking uniform within his army. I agree, nothing makes an army look less tied together than different basing and flocking styles for each unit.

I also did some generals:

And some cavalry trumpeters. In the French army the musicians wore the King's livery, hence the blue coats with red and white trim. In other countries the musicians were paid by the colonel.

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