Friday, September 17, 2010

Rabbitman and the Empty Nest

So life has taken a new turn.

We dropped my youngest off in her University dorm room two weeks ago. Some tears and angst on everyone's part, but so far the worst part has really been the long drive to get there and back.

My Snugglebunny and I are so far adapting to the eerily quiet empty nest. We still sometimes catch ourselves acting like the girls are asleep though. But it's nice not having to schedule around when you have to fetch a teenager from work. So last night we opened a bottle of wine with dinner since neither of us had to go anywhere. Another upside is our take out options are opening up considerably; tonight we had Chinese. The girls hate Chinese.

Between that and the more normal hours I'm working at the Buy Food now as the Grocery Manager (4 day shifts and only one evening a week and most Sundays off) I almost feel like regular people.

Now if I can just leverage this into more painting time.


  1. Two years after Holly's return from university, we are still babysitting her pet rabbit. In fact as I type - Beatrice (the rabbit) is currently chewing on some old card under my feet!


  2. I have five rabbits, so they aren't allowed to roam the house. But we have a 40+ sq foot area set aside for them in the basement to lollop about in.
    The bucks have been fixed but they still fight and two of the does pick on the third, so everyone has to take turns.
