Friday, November 5, 2010

Grenadiers and Artillery

A bit of an update on my SYW 15mm Austrian project. They now have two guns and a battalion of grenadiers, plus a general to command the growing force.
The officer on the extreme left of the picture started as a standard bearer, but since converged grenadier battalions didn't carry colours I cut off the flag pole and bent his arm down.

The figures are all Old Glory 15mm, now available from 19th Century Miniatures. Except for the light battalion gun. I don't know who made that. I got it third or fourth hand. The general is actually a spare Prussian general. I may put my Austrian generals on round bases. I'm not happy with the square(ish) bases my Prussian commanders are on.

In the works are two battalions of Pandours, but I thought I ought to get back to working on some commissions and make a bit of extra cash. Fortunately my friends are reasonably patient. Once I get the Pandours painted I'll finish all their bases.


  1. I think you'll find that round bases for general officers will make them much easier to see on the battlefield. I use round for 15mm medieval, 25mm SYW, and 25mm Napoleonics.


  2. I agree. Although my Prussians all have printed labels on their bases, so it'd be hard to do that in a round.

    Of course, naming each general isn't that important.
