Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sweet Book Score!

Work is going crap and stressing me out. I'm busier than the one-armed paper hanger lately trying to juggle five jobs to make ends meet. But I had a spare bit of time before a dentist's appointment and stuck my nose into my favourite book shop. He's switched from selling new releases and graphic novels to filling his shelves with remainders and publishers overstock, so lots of books for under $10.

He also has about 24 feet of shelves for history books. So I like when I can get in there and have a bit of money.

I lucked out and found a hard cover of Mark Zuehlke's latest title; Breakout from Normandy; First Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign July 4- August 21, 1944 for...

... wait for it...

ONLY $9.99!

I'm pretty pleased. He's also got On to Victory and Terrible Victory in stock. I should go back and get them after work tomorrow even though I've already read the library's copies.

I also found Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw; a collection of essays/columns about food and restaurants and cooking for $3.99. He's got a great writing style. I don't agree with him about organ meats, but he's always worth listening too.


  1. That's a great score. I must check out this store when I come out for HL.

    1. You should! And bring some money and leave a bit of room in your luggage.
