Friday, July 27, 2012

New Steam Tank

My friend Dan decided I didn't have enough steam tech for our occassional VSF battles. I only have the one tank, so he built me another using the RAFM three wheeled steam tank as a basis [which I cannot find in their catalogue to give you a link].

battle in snow 014

He thought it was a bit small so he added a Bandai (?) 1/48th scale Pz34(t) turret (all those lovely rivets!) and swapped the 37mm cannon for a Maxim gun. He then made the cupola a bit bigger and added a RAFM British officer.

Peter is happy. His Russians needed more targets.


  1. Very nice! With the commander in the cupola, it looks kind of like a steam-powered centaur. =)

  2. Awesome - I love the winter camo

  3. Well it's not winter camo. My other steam tank is painted white with black tracks and smoke stacks to look more like a ship, so Dan painted this one to match.
