Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cold Steel?

People keep bugging me to run a second convention in the fall.
With the demise of MIGSCON and the cancellation of Council Fires there is no gaming convention in the fall in Southern Ontario.
A few years back I set up a games day which we called Cold Steel. Invitation only; the Hotlead staff, gaming friends and Hotlead GMs for a day of games and food at our local Knights of Columbus Hall. Nice little venue, room for four tables and there's a kitchen and fridge for beer. The day went well and people keep asking me to run another one. Last year I was too busy with cadet stuff to find a date and this year I could have if I 'd started sooner.
I suppose I could book another one next year. Too late really to plan anything for this fall.
And my CO has suggested that a games day for the cadets might be a fun way to introduce some Canadian history to them.


  1. Do it, man! I'd come if my schedule permitted... and you invited me.

  2. I'll run a "Canadian" game if you need one for the Cadets. I'm thinking a section of PPCLI vs Chinese in Korea...winter of course.

  3. I'd be interested, but based on my usual fall workload and football, I have fewer free weekends so I'd be more hit or miss. Hotlead is nice because it follows a weekend where I'm busy every year, so I can take (and deserve!) some time off.
