Monday, October 8, 2012


So with all my stock uploaded to the store I thought I'd run a sale and generate some cash so maybe I could order some of the shiney newness like the upcoming PSC 15mm Russian artillery or Warlord's new French infantry.

It's Thanksgiving here in Canada, so I ran a 25% off sale for this weekend, announced it on various forums and yahoo groups.

Got 854 hits Thursday, 1323 hits on Friday and around 500 hits each Saturday and Sunday!

The coupon code worked for one order but a couple of others emailed me saying they had problems, Paypal wouldn't recognize the coupon code. Still haven't heard back from Shopify Support to find out what went wrong. So I'm left wondering how many of these hits were people who had trouble checking out and then just gave up without emailing me?

In the meantime I'm fulfillng orders the old fashioned way with a claculator and sending out Papal invoices.

But I've set up a new code 25%sale which is in effect until October 14th if anyone would like to try it out and get yourself something shiney.


  1. Do you have shipping rates posted to your web site? I'm not able to find any information.

  2. I think it tells you in the check out process. I suppose I should add a page somewhere to explain such things.
    Right now my shipping is $10-20 for Canada (depending on size/weight of package) and $20 international.

  3. Papal invoices eh. Must be nice to have the Holy Father onboard. ;-)
