Monday, November 26, 2012

I'd Like to Thank the Members of the Academy...

My old and distant wargaming friend, the Mad Padre, has put Rabbit's in my Basement up for a highly coveted "Liebster Award".

Here are the Liebster rules as I got them from The Mad Padre's blog:

Copy and paste the award on your blog linking it to the blogger who has given it to you.

Pass the award to your top 5 favourite blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their posts to notify them that they have won the award and listing them on your own blog.

Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that you have just made someone's day!

First up I have to nominate Je Lay Emprins. This fellow's painting and terrain building is absolutely top quality and features some brilliant conversions to make dynamic vignettes and interesting characters. He does this all in a period I've always been attracted too: the Swiss-Burgundian Wars of the late 15th century. Everytime I read his blog I think I should get back to my own Cantonal troops and Ordonnance Companies.

I don't know if this totally kosher, but I'm also going to nominate the same fellow's other blog Harness and Array. In which he brings the same high quality work and attention to details to the Hundred Year's War.

Dougie's Wargaming Blog is a really good foray into 20th century gaming. Africa, Afghanistan, the Falklands, Ulster ... Dougie is painting it and painting it well. His terrain is also amazing.

Lead Gardens is a delightful Old School gaming blog. The figures are nice and the terrain is stylish in a simple aesthetic. I dunno, I like the way he approaches things. Some good game writes up too.

Keith's Wargaming Blog has more Old School SYW and some nostalgia inducing 20mm WW2. I also like his no nonsense approach and he has some good scenario ideas in his game reports.

Timurilak's 18th Century Sojurn is a gold mine of information for SYW gaming and terrain building. And he does it in 15mm like me, which is rare. Most SYW gaming in the blogosphere seems to be in 25mm.

So I'd like to thank the members of the Blogspot Academy, my Director, my Coach and most of all my lovely Wife, Mrs. Rabbitman, for being at my side through all of this. Thank you blogosphere! You've been great!

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