Monday, September 16, 2013

Going Blind

I'm sure some of you noticed in my last game report the big rectangles of orange paper, with finest Sharpie graphics, that I was using for blinds.

I certainly noticed, and resolved to improve upon them.

So the other day I spent a few minutes at the computer. The graphics were simple and anyone with Microsoft Word can do them.

I just made a text box with a 4 point border and rounded corners that covered half a page, and then repeated the process. This reminded me of the tactical signs used on maps and TO&Es so I was happy. If I could figure out a way to break the top of the box and insert the three dots for a platoon, I'd be even happier. But that I suspect would involve using Paint or some such.

Into the text boxes I first added some line returns. This is important since it lets you move stuff about. I then inserted some graphics; either a basic German balken kreuze or a negative image of an Allied air recognition star that I found easily using Google Image Search:

Then text "Allied Blind 1" or "German Blind 1" was added over top using a font and size I liked and I made sure everything was centered. I just changed the number each time I printed and printed them off on laser transparency sheets until I had 10 blinds for each side.

A few minutes with scissors to cut them out et voila!

On my bare table top

On top of some terrain
I hope the transparency sheeting makes them a little less intrusive than other options. They are supposed to represent hidden units after all!

I'd thought about doing different divisional badges or Canadian regimental cap badges for each blind, but I realized that would drive me mad since I'd have to readjust the centering with EACH sheet.

Plus, I might do Brits or even possibly Americans some day, so the Allied star works for all concerned. I suppose if I ever do Soviets then they'd object and I'll have to do some blinds featuring big Red Stars. But that's easily sorted.


  1. I like the use of transparency plastic for blinds, that's inspired!

    Chuck me the graphics you want to use and I can easily crank out some more blinds for you. I can even do the snazzy three-dots-for-platoon bit along the top if you like, see the Russian Civil War blinds I did a while back:

    -- Brian

    1. Thanks Brian! Your RCW blinds and cards are really quite nice. You obviously paid more attention in digital media class than I did!

  2. Very nice work. I agree, the transparencies do look better and far less intrusive.

  3. These are lovely! The Reprographics guy at work will be overworked by the time I've collected everything I want him to print :)

  4. HI James
    Terrific idea for Blinds, love that you can see the terrain under the Blind. You have inspired me to have a go and make some; is it ok if I use your Allied and Axis symbols ?
    thank John
    thanks John

    1. Sure can! I just got them off Google image search.

    2. Sure can! I just got them off Google image search.

  5. Hi James
    thanks, currently working on making up some Blinds
    thanks John

  6. Hi James
    If you are interested I have finally completed my own clear Blinds but in an oval shape. You can view them at:
    Once again thanks for your great idea.
