Friday, March 14, 2014

One Week to Go!

It's coming, and it's going to be HUGE!

One week until the annual dice-rolling, beer-drinking, friend-slapping, laugh until my head explodes event called Hotlead.

It's our 20th anniversary this year and it has suddenly exploded. I've got 72 different open participation games; big Napoleonics, WW2 skirmishes, naval, lots of air combat (WW1, WW2 and jets), ancients, science fiction and steam-punk/gothic horror fantasy, even giant monsters vs. mechas. We've had to book the basement meeting rooms so the local 40K and Warhammer crowd could have their open gaming event. I think I'm looking at a 30-50% increase in events.

I hope attendance is up that much too.

Plus after 19 years as El Supremo I've finally learned to delegate some stuff making things less stressful, sort of. But I'm at least getting organized and sorting out my Bring and Buy stuff now, instead of most years when I find something the week after and think, "I should have sold that."

I hope some of you can join us in the madness and find a moment to say hello.

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