Monday, January 26, 2015

In Which Rabbitman Gets Pwned

Patrick brought his 1/72 scale Chinese Warlord troops over on Saturday night for a game of A World Aflame. I played the troops of the Warlord Fengteng holding a line of entrenchments defending an aerodrome while the Mad Padre commanded the heroic Zhili Army.

I had a 47mm gun and 2 Maxim guns dug in on either side of a line of trenches.

The Mad Padre had an FT-17 and a an armoured car, some mortars and a horde of infantry. Very cleverly he weighted his attack on my left where there weren't any trenches and away from the enfilading machine guns. My gun did cause some grief to his armour, but it attracted a lot of mortar fire and was over run. My two reserve companies trying to cover the open flank were also cut down. Despite MG and rifle fire slaughtering his lead company, the following companies piled into my trenches, where they proceeded to spank me like a politician in an S&M club.

Zhili armoured car and troops swarm past the corpses of my reserve companies

Zhili troops storm my trench line

Fun was had. The Mad Padre was well pleased.

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