Saturday, January 3, 2015


Daughter no. 2 has just opened another social media rabbit hole for me, called Pinterest. I've decided to give it a try and see what use it can be.

Pinterest, like much social media, is aimed at those younger than I, but I try to not be too set in my ways. I think it also has the inherent danger of being a massive time suck as well. But he wins who dares and all that.

Like many of us, I find all sorts of good ideas and inspiring useful images on the interweb. Instead of downloading them to a single machine's hard drive, or saving the web page, or copying the URL to a word doc, or heaven forbid, printing them all out! One can now (after downloading the appropriate app) just "pin" the image with its source data to a virtual design wall. These pins can be sorted and organised by project or topic as well.

So I've started boards for the samurai and modern Afghanistan projects to save useful pictures, blog posts and things that I come across during my digital travels. Other boards for other terrain, building and miniature ideas, plus amusing things about tea and pie are also set up.

So now when painting in the basement o'rabbits I can use my tablet to bring up my Pinterest board and have my visual references handy, instead of scattered all over my digital environment and sometimes unreachable.


  1. Strangely enough we were introduced to Pintrest by our niece last Saturday and have begun boards too...

  2. I set up an account after losing years worth of web links due to a HD crash a year ago. So far its useful and not a time drain.

  3. I've had a Pinterest account for a few years now, mostly for gardening, home improvement, historical subjects and Doctor Who.

  4. This sounds interesting.. I may have to investigate!

  5. Maybe I should revisit Pinterest. I checked it out briefly last year, couldn't really understand its use, and said meh.
