Sunday, April 5, 2015

Mystery Stowage

Spent some time yesterday and this afternoon assembling my S &S Models buys that I picked up at Hotlead and gluing stowage onto my Canadian AFVs.

I have now accumulated an impressive selection of stowage:

There's the S&S Large Stowage set (50 pcs), some RAFM bits and a set of resin stowage I picked up on eBay.

Among the S&S pieces are these:

The long thingys and the blobby thing in the center beside my homemade coils of towing cable. Any ideas?

But otherwise, I've gotten two 5 ton trucks and a pickup truck technical assembled (good for police or Taliban depending on how I paint it). Plus more stowage on the Leopard, the Bisons and starting on the LAVs.


  1. Could they be Bangalores?
    The other thing looks like a guitar case to me.

  2. I was going to guess tennis racket, but guitar case seems more likely...

  3. I'd go for guitar case too Captain James Blunt did strap a guitar to his Scimitar in Kosovo....

    The others look like a collection of ranging stakes to me.



    1. We have a winner!
      I got a reply from Shaun at S&S and they are indeed a guitar case and ranging stakes with their ends covered.
