Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sniper team

This week in between working on the pot fields, I finished the last of my Elheim figures, my sniper team from the battle group's I&R (Intelligence and Recce) platoon.

I'm not sure if ghillie suits were used much in Afghanistan, but that's the way these guys came, so I did a proper scenic base for them to add to the atmosphere.

Taliban view
Although I imagine they are an off table support option in Fighting Season. But they look cool.


  1. Very nice. You can use them on table, in fact a USMC one potted my Taliban sniper in last weeks game.

    Richard N

  2. That looks spot on. Excellent work!

  3. Beautiful basing: very lifelike. But the camo is so good, the snipers are invisible!

  4. As Matthew mentions, the figures blend in perfect with the base. Very nicely done.

  5. Nice and realistic, great job!
