Friday, October 30, 2015

Bashing with the Bushi Some More

Had Pete, Patrick and Mikey over Friday night. Thought we'd give Ronin another go with smaller forces.

Pete and I paired up with the Lord of Tea's red and black force. Mikey brought some partially finished blue ashigaru and Patrick used my small yellow and red buntai.

Things went a little better except Pete and I both found our samurai to be armed with pool noodles and we were giving too much armour to the defender when shooting the teppo.

Mikey and I clash in the village
Pete and Patrick flail at each other among the trees
Teppo man bottom of picture spent the whole game trying to line up a shot on Mike!
So still on the learning curve. I'm thinking any more than half a dozen figures on a side is too many though. My 4Ground fences are also unbalanced and kept falling over, so I'll need to rebase them to improve stability. On the plus side Mikey did sell me a pack of Perry ikko-ikki with teppo for a good price.


  1. I have the rules and some unpainted figures. I really must give them a go some time...

  2. That's a beautiful looking set up you have. It photographed really nicely: the back-flags (or whatever they're called), the huts, even the ground (a mat?) look great.

    1. Thank you! The buildings are 4Ground, the mat is a piece of cloth abandoned at a Hotlead many years ago. The sashimono are hand painted.

  3. Hi James, I have just bought these rules and my first warband (Koryu Buntai) to do some gaming with my son (he likes the idea of Warrior Monks). Love the pics of your games and your terrain looks fantastic.

    Have you come across any homerules or expansions to include any mythical elements in your game (Oni, Tengu et)?

    1. Hi Paul
      There is a mythic Japanese game on the market with supernatural beasts. I think it's called Daisho.

    2. Thanks James. I am aware of Daisho but really just wanted to include the odd mythical element into Ronin to surprise the players and have a bit of fun
