Friday, March 4, 2016

Painting CadPat

I decided to attempt some CadPat on the two rucks and the kitbag adorning my HQ/FOO LAV.

I think it came out OK for something in 1/72nd scale.

I grabbed a spare pouch from my ruck and started comparing bottles of paint to it.

Here's what I arrived at:
Start with black base coat (like the rest of the model).
Dry brush Tamiya Olive Drab over everything (this is the main colour of the vehicle).
For the pieces of kit that are CadPat use a fine brush and block on some Americana Sable Brown.
Then, overlapping the brown, block on some Americana Charcoal Grey.
Then, again overlapping the other two colours do blocky right angled Ls and Ts of Americana Lt. Avocado green.
Finally to tone everything down I did more Ls and Ts of Tamiya NATO Green.

Here is the finished result:

You'll notice another cooler. It is actually the turret bin from a Battlefront Sherman tank that I found in my bits box.  The bright red gives some relief from all the green and will also help players ID the vehicle from the platoon LAVs. The tool bin to the right of the ruck in the picture immediately above is from a PSC Sherman Firefly.

Now after all that effort I'd better make sure I don't just cover those rucks in dust!


  1. Nicely done. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Cool stuff. Realistic looking camo is devilishly hard... your detailed instructions are helpful.
