Thursday, July 14, 2016


Someone was asking me on Facebook about this picture

Where they Gordons or Black Watch?

And I couldn't remember.... and I didn't care.

I remember when I was painting my SYW Prussian army and doing my best to get the facings, hat lace and even the very tiny cockades at the corners of their tricornes correct for each regiment.

Not sure I could be bothered now.


  1. What if it's a picture of Gordon of the Black Watch?

  2. As someone said to me once: "Only their mothers would know." ... or care.

  3. couldn't agree more with your sentiment

    cheers, Dave

  4. I feel that way about my 6mm Napoleonics. I am currently painting Austrian hussars. I have some basic internet references, but they are basic. I am sure I am making mistakes but I am not worried. In your case, you took the trouble to do tartans and sporrans and did a fine job. Nuff said.

  5. We all know they're the 3rd Foot & Mouth, the famous 'Devils in Skirts'.

    As Michael says, who cares, they look great.
