Monday, April 24, 2017

URRRAH! Part 3- First Wave Done

This must be the fastest I've ever gotten this many troops done.

A dead simple paint scheme helped a lot, I'm sure.
Big Men

So from my two blister packs I've got 4 rifle sections and 5 SMG sections plus 9 Big Men. For battles set in 1944-45 when Soviet Rifle Battalions were severely understrength, that's a company each of rifle armed and SMG armed assault troops. Or for games of Chain of Command a platoon of each plus extra sections for support options.
SMG Company

Rifle Company
You'll notice that I based half on Flames of War bases for ease of moving, and half on 15mm MDF rounds for removing casualties and playing Chain of Command.

I've also got an obligatory Commissar and a female Medical orderly.

Thanks to the Mad Padre, I've also got 3x 50mm mortars, a platoon of 82mm mortars, a platoon of Maxim MMGs, and two sections of PTRD anti-tank rifles.
Loads of support!

Maxim MMGs, I had to get creative to add more crew. The fellow waving his binoculars about was a big naff

82mm mortars, rather boring poses and fiddly mortars to assemble

50mm mortar

I'm going to need tanks and guns soon!