Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Pottersville Update

The future is bright in Pottersville today. I've made a lot of progress since the last post.

The construction yard and scrap yard both now have bases so the gravel yards are surrounded by sidewalks.

I also used that idea to fill the empty fourth corner with an empty lot! 

The next three buildings, being bigger, more complex and me having other things occupying my time, took longer to finish. But they are done now.

I got some cheap boxes at a dollar store and used the hinges to make the big doors on the warehouse capable of opening.

Here's the test layout with minimal street clutter. Still need to add signs advertisements and posters etc.

I also need to figure out how to make the plastic buildings at either end of the warehouse look less plastic and anchored in the terrain instead of just floating on asphalt.

The space is big enough I could add more Sarissa buildings instead but I'd like to run this at KEGSCON in September. 

Now I just need period cars.


  1. Down towns really coming together.


  2. That looks really good. With your choice of buildings and layout, you have done a better job of getting the look I was going for when I built my Pulp Alley table.

  3. Wow, that is really a cool project and is very well executed.
