Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Bloody Good Read

As a bit of mood setting for painting Romans I'm rereading The Eagle in the Snow by Wallace Breem.
Set about 150 after the troops I'm painting, but still the writer hits all the notes of an admirable hero, compelling narrative, good history and really good prose.

Here's a sample:
The cohorts marched out by night, carrying full equipment, twenty days rations and the hopes and fears of their commanders.

This is, I think my third reading of this stirring epic of the last Roman general holding the crumbling frontier against the coming darkness.

I can see the novel making a good campaign game too.

Highly recommended.


  1. Something for the new Too Fat Lardies ancients skirmish rules, perhaps.

  2. Superb book... an honourable man facing the inevitable failure of Empire...

  3. My favourite book ever! Very pleased to hear it mentioned, as it's a bit of a hidden gem
