Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Decade

I guess its the time to be introspective.

Considering that 10 years ago when I started this blog I was unemployed,  out of benefits, and wrestling with dark depression,  things have improved considerably.

This year was my lowest number of blog posts ever, but I hope I've made up in quality what I lack in quantity. I think quick WIP  posts to Twitter and Facebook have replaced frequent WIP posts here, instead leaving the blog for finished products.

Not sure if my gaming and painting have gone up or down really.  I am trying to be more present to Mrs. Rabbitman which cuts into hobby time. And my friends seem less available for games too.  Must seek a solution to that, even if it's more solo games.

But a couple of big successes: finally getting my Pulp gangster project sorted with buildings and working rules after about 15 or 20 years was huuuuge! taking most of the year.

I also bought and painted enough armour and infantry to double my WW2 Soviets.

Then there's the unanticipated but long desired Middle Empire Roman army purchased late in the year and about 85% done already.

I also knocked off a few things from the lead pile too; those 25 year old Prussians and the 5 year old dug in infantry. So I think my net lead pile has gone down this year. Certainly everything purchased has been painted.

On the cadet front it's been a good year: handing over command to a young officer I helped develop from an Officer Cadet, accompanying the squadron to Halifax and a minor note was going up in a glider piloted by my senior Cadet, who is now moving on to becoming a Flying Center Pilot.

Today Mrs. Rabbitman has been doing a jigsaw puzzle and watching Miss Fisher's Mysteries while I have been painting. I'll write a "First Miniatures for 2020" post soon.

Going forward I'd like to

  • Play more, even if it's solo. Especially with less active parts of my collection. 
  • Build terrain for my WW2 Soviets. Urban rubble. Rural. Winter.
  • Build some more Middle Earth terrain. 
  • Paint up my stash of plastic German tribesmen to fight my Romans 
  • Poke at the medieval and SYW parts of the lead pile 
  • I think I'd like to resurrect my neglected samurai too
Of course serendipity and the law of irony means that I'll probably fly off in some other direction entirely like air combat or space ships.


  1. Nice to see that 10 years on, you're in a better place, and that projects, but human and miniature, are bearing fruit.

  2. You've had a phenomenal year, my friend. Always impressed at how you knock off a big project, and this year it was gangsters. BZ. More importantly, being present for the women we love is critical ground, and your priorities there are spot on. I could do more hobby related without Joy, but my life would be .... joyless. (See what I did there?) It's also grand to see you in a much better place than you were in ten years ago. I'm proud of you and look forward to more gaming in a few months when I RETIRE!!!
