Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Problem With Plastic

There are a lot of  really talented people on the Wargaming in Middle Earth Facebook group. They've been show casing really nice kitbashed elf warriors who could have stepped out of an Alan Lee painting.

But these figures are made by combining components from several different kits. sometimes it's just a Norman figure with added greenstuff cloak and a plume. That I can do. I guess. Maybe.

Some are more elaborate: a Victrix huscarl torso, Conquest Norman shield, Gripping Beast late Roman head, Fireforge Templar cloak and plumes from the Oathmark elf set.

Graham Green is especially talented, his First Age Noldor cavalry appearing on the cover of the August 2019 issue of Miniature Wargames

Perhaps it's because these guys are all in the very geographically tight British gaming scene, so picking up stray sprues and left over bits at swap meets or something is possible. But if I've got to buy 2 or 3 or 4 different kits of figures I don't otherwise want, to make one figure, maybe metal is cheaper?

Thistle and Rose have put Vendel figures back in production. Or I can wait for Conqueror to get around to doing elves. Or glue some plumes onto Norman helmets....


  1. There are people on eBay selling individual sprues which makes things a little cheaper.

  2. I saw these articles too and they were very inspiring in a way, but expensive to do if you didn’t have the kit as you stay. I’d stick to Vendel, I wish they were manufactured in the uk too. The price of postage puts me off. Amazing figures though.

  3. Plumes or feathers on helms work, as do cloaks, you could sculpt with green stuff, but that takes time. I found feathers are quite easy though


    1. I should try that.
      I guess I won't get any goid unless I practice!

  4. I guess that for some people their hobby is modeling and they do it well. I can do head swaps, but that's my limit.

    1. Same here.
      I have a friend who will gleefully convert a British paratrooper into any number of soldiers, when could easily find what he wants ready made.
      He just loves to kitbash.
