Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Samurai B-Echelon

There's something about baggage elements that I think really help with the character of an army. Most of my armies feature some baggage. With the samurai even the pack ponies get flags to identify which general they belong to!

I got these Museum Miniatures samurai baggage sets about 5 years ago when I was hot and bothered about Ronin. Finally finished them. Using a sepia ink wash seems to get a similar finish to the Army Painter Dip that I was using then.

I imagine these figures walking in file down a path, so I kept the centres of the bases clear of flock and pushed the tufts to the edges to create the idea of a path.

Of course, to attack them I also finished up some Black Hat ronin that I got, started, and abandoned, around the same time.

17 more ronin/bandits are in the queue, which will give me a tidy little band to oppose my more regular troops.


  1. Great stuff, always good to have baggage it really adds to games.


  2. Your basing turned out very well- nice work!
