Tuesday, March 3, 2020


My gaming mojo has been lacking this winter. The ONLY games I've gotten in were the games in Barrie with The Mad Padre. Not even anything solo. I haven't done much painting either.

Much of my hobby time has been taken up with Hot Lead, which has NINETY-TWO gaming events scheduled, which is a record.
I was worried that the Middle Earth SBG tournament not happening would leave a big hole, but GMs have stepped up and Saturday morning and afternoon are full! The evenings are pretty good too. I'd better not hear any moaning about nothing to play or I'll give them a stick and send them outside to do some LARPing.  As mentioned earlier I also spent three nights culling my leadpile.

Another couple of nights were spent assembling a model jet engine that had been sitting about the Squadron offices for a while before I took command. As Training Officer it seemed within my purview to finally get this useful training aid ready for the classroom.
Not a very well made kit. I eventually had to use my Dremel Tool to get a good connection so it would work.

I did get my Middle Empire Romans finished at last! The last 20 took a couple of sessions. These two senior officers needed a bit of free hand on their small shields.

48 infantry, 18 archers and 12 cavalry plus supernumaries. Now they just need to be played with.

While waiting for the glue and flock to dry on the Romans, I got out some Samurai that I had abandoned 5 years ago. Maybe inspired by Sarissa Precision's new samurai castle. Maybe not. Either way I'd like some kind of samurai games to be possible.

Now, I just need rules....

This is all part of my overall objective to restart abandoned armies and projects. To that end I purchased Contact Front from God's Eye Games for my Afghanistan games.

It is set at the platoon plus attachments level of game, which is where I want to be. Most modern rules have too much detail and can't handle more than a section.  Initial reading is promising, but I'll have to mash up stats from their free download Danish and Australian army lists to make a Canadian list. I'm starting to clear off my second table for some solo learning games.

I also splashed out and ordered a few things from Bad Squiddo. Mainly interested in her new scenic items, but I got some Dark Age women while I was there and a pack of bunnies too.

Because bunnies....
A few will end up in my vegetable gardens.

Overtime at work and Mrs. Rabbitman and I taking ballroom dancing lessons is also cutting into my time. We've been together for 36 years and I've never danced with her before. Lack of time and money, shift work, feeling awkward and self-conscious, or just parenting, have always gotten in the way, so it's quite good to finally dance with her. My swing dancing needs a lot of work but it's good to get off the couch on a Sunday afternoon. And her smile while we're dancing is just brilliant.

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