Friday, April 3, 2020

Bad Squiddo Bonanza!

Bad Squiddo is one of the more colourful characters in the gaming industry and seems to attract a lot of hate, ignoramuses accusing her of somehow "ruining the hobby" for producing historically accurate non-sexualized female miniatures. Mrs. Rabbitman thinks it's because she provides an alternative to chainmail bikinis and boobies, and the haters want their sexualized figures to be the norm. Providing an alternative means they aren't the norm anymore and their sexy figures are pushed further into the smutty fringes. Plus she's a woman, and haters can't stand women doing anything.

Last month I treated myself to some of her unique products. I got myself the Food Supplies Basing Kit and Bunnies. While I was in her shop I figured I'd get some stuff for Middle Earth too: Dark Age Defending Villagers (I should've gotten 2 packs to be honest) and a shieldmaiden/Queen: Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia. I suppose they could end up in early medieval Europe, but really Rohan is more likely these days.

Why Bunnies? Well you obviously are a recent reader and think the title for this blog is mere whimsy. It isn't. Or just follow all the "Rabbits" tagged posts. So I obviously had to paint 6 of the bunnies as tributes to past family pets. The Dutchie (the white and dark brown bunny) is our first pet bunny, Blaze, who lived a long time (12 years!) despite our inexperienced care. If she had had the better diet and conditions of Nigella and her off spring who knows how long she'd have hopped about?

I don't know what they will do on the table, except provide amusement. But I had fun painting them, because bunnies.

The food all came as separate pieces (even the tiny bottles) and I grouped them onto bases. In hindsight getting her other pack of food supplies already grouped might have been easier.

I do wish I had a drunken Seven Years War hussar to base up with the sausages and cheese, but this way orcs can try to capture them from the hobbits too. Not sure if orcs would like a basket of cabbages though! So either objectives to capture or just set decoration to make the cottages look more lived in.

She's a positive delight to do business with and her miniatures are great. In her WW2 range there is a pack of British housewives fighting off downed Luftwaffe or German paratroopers. One of them has a tea cup and pistol. I really think I should get her for Pottersville. So I hope Annie at Bad Squiddo carries on "ruining the hobby" and angering the ignoramuses. The rest of us will get some delightful miniatures.
A delightful extra! One of her Norse kitties "Freya's Floofs"

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Bad Squido is a great source. Female fantasy fighters etc. should dress like thoughtful people. (Not that I have anything against bikinis.)
