Sunday, August 2, 2020

Painter's Block

We've all had it.

You want to hobby but you look at your painting area and lost, somewhere in the bottles of paint, and random bits of projects pulled out to ponder, you just can't find the motivation. 

You've lost your mojo. 

You're just stuck, baby.  

I've been stuck on my latest figures for a few weeks.  Tired, easily sucked into Netflix all evening and just not sure where to go. This time it was trousers and shirts.  Really stupidly minor, since you can't see much of them. But that was the next step before ink wash and shields. 

Earlier this week I was in a black foul mood. I retreated to the basement for therapy I but wasn't going to attempt anything delicate. So I switched gears. I slapped a bunch of burnt umber on some resin pieces (wooden bridge and the entrenchments) and then gave them some quick grey dry brush as well as painting the reeds on that pond and flocking the edge (see last post). Easy and mindless as I listened to some classical music CDs. Job done and a feeling of accomplishing something.

That seemed to unplug something in my head. 

It's a rainy long weekend here, so I've been painting a lot and getting those figures done, at last.

Sometimes you just need to change gears. Flock bases. Assemble and prime the next project. Give your hobby space a good tidy. Maybe all the clutter is cluttering your creativity,  and perhaps under all the mess, you'll find it.

You'll find your mojo.


  1. That's exactly what I do when I hit the painting wall! Pick something different to paint for a quick turnaround and you're back on track!

  2. Changing to something different is often the way to overcome painters block. I had been struggling with some Aventine Republican Romans last week so pulled out some ACW Union troops - 2 blues, some black and that is it. Quickly did those and the Romans were easily finished. I now take an afternoon off from painting to do some terrain.

  3. I agree with this 100%:
    "Sometimes you just need to change gears. Flock bases. Assemble and prime the next project. Give your hobby space a good tidy."

  4. Working on something is better than working on nothing.
