Thursday, August 20, 2020

Third Time Pays For All -More Elf Cavalry!

This second squadron of 6 Elf cavalry are the last of my "Not-Lead" Vendel order!

It took me three attempts to get the shields right. At first I had to strip the paint off and reprime because when I went to do the designs I could see the relief from the failed two trees design from my first squadron which I had just painted over. 

Then I tried a simplified tree, but it looked like rubbish so I quickly wiped those off with a wet rag and retouched the blue base.

So I went with another star, a little bigger and fancier than the first squadron to set them apart. Because these stars also made me think of flowers, I went with white flower tufts (from Shadow's Edge) to help differentiate them.

Finally, to confirm my credentials as a massive Tolkien geek, I have indulged myself and purchased 12 Tolkien themed d6. Even Mrs. Rabbitman thinks they are nice. They will probably roll badly for me though. I'm hoping that the Eye of Mordor or Horse of Rohan are available next time the group that I got them through do a dice purchase.

1 comment:

  1. I like the dice. Wash them thoroughly in tea to chase off the curse!
