Saturday, October 17, 2020

Procrastinating Projects

Nordic Weasel asked "What gaming projects do you keep putting off?" on Twitter last week.

I quickly came up with a list, which I have since added to:

  • My 18th cent Imagination "Mantovia" & it's 20th cent manifestation with Centurion tanks. 
  • A castle for my Medieval stuff (although I probably need 2 really: 1 for 11th cent & 1 for 15th cent/WotR)
  • Urban ruins for WW2 Eastern Front. 
  • A couple of dice towers (one as a North West Frontier tower and one more medieval/Middle Earth)
  • Dwarves for Middle Earth 
  • Finish up my Swiss
  • Finish up my samurai 

I should probably just start at the bottom and work my way up!

Well maybe move the Dwarves up a bit. They will be a significant expenditure. 


  1. Not too long of a list of procrastinations.

  2. My list of shame is long and expansive.

  3. 15mm WW2 tanks
    6mm Zulu war
    6mm German tanks and infantry
    15mm ECW infantry to rebase
    15mm WW2 American infantry
    15mm Medieval
    15mm ancient Egyptians (which I have not touched in 30 years, but I am determined to get to them one day)
    Terrain for all of the above plus 28mm

    There's probably more that I've forgotten.
