Saturday, December 12, 2020

More for Middle Earth!

The Bag the Hun project is on hold until magnets arrive from Greenstuff World in Spain. I'm not going to paint all that camouflage without a stand to hold on to. 

So a rainy weekend and a chance to hobby got me finishing these warbeasts for Middle Earth. Both are Wizards of the Coast D&D figures in a light plastic, preprimed and ready to paint. I got them at a local toy & game store while Mrs. Rabbitman was perusing their Duplo sets for the grandchildren. 

My Men of the North need a big black bear to help against the goblins. He's not as imposing as the big resin werebear from Vendal, and the relief in the sculpting of his fur is pretty shallow, but at $2.99 the price was right.

Oathmark goblin for comparison 

I also wanted another ent. This one is huge! Making him a 6 strength point Greater Warbeast doesn't seem to do him justice. But we'll see. 

The rock in his hand was an optional piece 

Used flock for the beard

Poor little goblin just keeps having a bad day!

Family group. GW treeman, small one I bought 2nd hand from France, and the big guy.

The bases came with the models,  which was nice value added.

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