Monday, January 11, 2021

Shuttle From Toy to Terrain

My friend Pasha Dan found this piece in a sale bin and gave it to me a couple of years ago when I was heavy into my Firefly in the Expanse project. 

Its a playing piece from an MCU clicky collectible game. I wasn't sure what to do with it except for removing the clicky base.

It originally had big orange plastic flames erupting from the engine nozzles.  So I twisted those off.

Painted out the Deadpool markings and then dry brush some black reentry scorches to hide the rougher finish where I painted over the markings and painted the engine nozzles black.

Then it sat for a week while I pondered how to make it not just sitting on it's belly. Had a brain wave on the weekend to use pieces of sprue.

So done. Another item off the backlog and another piece of scatter terrain for a distant colony world. Also the first thing painted for my 15mm science fiction in a few years. 

"The repairs are how much!?"


  1. You've done a great job of tidying that up, looks fab. Based on the size of those engine exhausts, I can't imagine there's much living space after of the start of the tailfin. Shorthaul job, maybe? Anyway, it looks like it would fit in the Expanse. Bravo.

    1. Cheers.
      Yes, problem with a lot of these is unrealistically small engines.
      My Eagle transporter for another example.
