Saturday, March 27, 2021

En Avant!

One of the things I like about Sharp Practice is making vignettes for the Deployment Points to give an element of humour and humanity to the table top. Higher level command groups, rear echelon vignettes or baggage elements all make amusing DPs. While pondering Deployment Points for my Sharp Practice project, I remembered this figure:

He was a limited edition free give away from Old Glory when you subscribed to their short lived glossy magazine La Gloire

It is a replica of the famous, and notoriously glamourized, painting by David "Napoleon Crossing the Alps". There were 5 versions done by David, with differences in cloak and horse colour. I chose as my reference this one, from the Palace of Versailles, painted in 1802, with heroic grey horse and red cloak:

I've done my best to copy the original, although the odd horse coloration has been a challenge. But here it is, after waiting 23 years in the lead pile and now ready for Glory!

En avant mes enfants! Pour la gloire et le Patrie!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work ...shame OG don't sell this figure, it's very nice!
