Monday, April 12, 2021

Fiat Lux!

Another upgrade to the gaming infrastructure in the Basement o'Rabbits.

A fine fellow who runs 40k events for Hot Lead is also a professional electrician. So I had him in to boost the lighting. Gone are the fluorescent tube fixture over the table and a sad 3 bulb ceiling fan trying to light everything else. 

Replaced by 14 LED pot lights. 

Both tables are properly lit now and I can see my book shelves too.

Now I just need to be able to have a game. 


  1. Lighting makes such a difference. Even a bare bones basement seems is so much better looking and less depressing with good lighting. And these days, the LED lights are so easy to get and look so good compared to ugly fluorescents.

  2. The better to see you with...seriously, a good upgrade you'll realize the usefulness over time.

  3. You could perform surgery in there, it's so bright! And James saw the light, and saw that it was good. I look forward to seeing what I'm doing the next time I visit, may it be soon!

    1. And for our next game over Discord you should be able to see better too

  4. Beautiful! Do you do your painting there too? I find that as I get older, I need light on an astronomical scale to paint.

    1. Yes. You can see my painting area at the right hand end of the table.
      Ive left a 6' area clear to set up a game or as has since happened, spread out more junk!
